Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Happy Anniversary!

Today is my parents' wedding anniversary. They have been together for what seems like forever! But I love them, they love my brother and me, and they love each other - that's all that matter :-)

They are not huge fans of frosting, so I created this gem for them:

Chocolate Cake "filled" Yellow Cake

Top view

A slice
They loved it! :-)

Fun In the Kitchen

Having leftover batter is always fun to play with...


Clockwise: Red Velvet with Cream Cheese Frosting, Cookies-n-Cream Mini, Layered Red Velvet & Yellow Cake Mini, Cookies-n-Cream Cupcake

Layered Red Velvet & Yellow Cake Mini

A peek inside the Layered Mini

Red Velvet

Inside the Red Velvet Delight with some milk on the side :-)
And even better to eat!

Happy Belated Bday!!!

So, my bro's birthday is February 14th. He was away at school, so he had to wait until he came home for Spring break to get his yummy surprise. His nickname is "Cookie Monster" so I made my cookies-n-cream cake for him (unfrosted so that it would travel better). It was soooo good! Check it out:

Cookies-n-Cream Mini :-)

Cookies-n-Cream Cupcake

A glimpse inside...yummy
Don't you wish you had a sister as great as I am?

Early Bloom

I know it's only March, but check out these beautiful blossoms created for a birthday:

Red Velvet with Cream Cheese Frosting & Yellow Cake with Red Buttercream

Side view of White Rose

Top view of White Rose

Side view of Red Rose

Top of Red Rose
Puts me in a Spring frame of mind...how about you?

Saturday, March 5, 2011

March Madness!!!

March has started off pretty nicely...

A cake was commissioned by a co-worker and I'm excited about how it came out. It was described as "elegant," "beautiful," "tasty," "delicious" and so good that you could lick the plate. What do you think?

White Buttercream Frosting with a Chocolate Ganache Drizzle

Side View: Buttercream & Chocolate Frosting Star Design

Chooclate Cake with Dulce de Leche Filling

A slice of heavenly goodness :-)
Is your mouth watering yet??? Stay tuned to see wat else is in store...